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TarHeel Game Play
AAC Bethany

Grid set to access Tar Heel Gameplay, a collection of free, easy-to-play, and accessible games. The games play a YouTube video which stop at various points and clients must use their switch to continue the video. Questions/Comments/Requests...

Tastatur med SMS og e-post

Qwerty tastatur med enkel tilgang til e-post og SMS.

TC Alpha Core

TC Alpha Core

TD Snap

Opens TD Snap and closes Grid 3.


Opkaldsfunktioner fra Fast Talker inkl. en besvar opkald kommando. Bruges både til tekstkommunikation via. chattastatur fra Fast Talker samt har en Skift Grid Layout kommando, så ASK brugeren kan bruge sit sædvanlige ordforråd.

Smartbox Danish

Et sidesæt der gør det muligt at ringe til kontakter, nemt og muligt at implementere i andre sidesæt.

John G

Simple, TV remote control for asessment with a stroke patient usiing switch-scanning. NB there is lots of other stuff in here too - it was originally Fast Talker Large Cell. John Gwynne

Telewizja internetowa
Filip Szafarz

Telewizja internetowa dla użytkowników AAC. kontakt:

Template - eyegaze
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' Grid communication display and Join-In Pro. It is compatible with eye tracking access and designed for those who wish to share text messages without symbols. There is an additional template...

Template - eyegaze - message symbols
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' Grid symbol communication display and Join-In Pro apps. It is compatible with eyegaze access and is designed for those who wish to share symbol messages. There is an additional template...

Template - not eyegaze
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' Grid communication display and Join-In Pro apps. It is compatible with all access modes except for eyegaze and is designed for those who wish to share text messages without symbols. There...

Template - not eyegaze - message symbols
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' symbol based Grid communication display and Join-In Pro apps. It is compatible with all access modes except for eyegaze and is designed for those who wish to share symbol messages. There is...

Terning for Grid 3

Grid oppsett for å kaste en terning

Text Talker for iPad
John G

This is my version of Text Talker which I provide to (usually) adult, literate users who require speech assistance. I've added a "my name is" button to the Greetings phrase page and removed the "copy" button on every page because it's not a lot of...

Text Talker G3 iPad
John G

This version is the original Grid 2 gridset modified using Grid 3. It is specifically intended for use on iPad with Grid Player. I customise the phrases for each user (using Grid 3) before sending to their GridPlayer account. It gives a very...

Text Talker with Emergency
John G

Now with an Emergency Button for use if needing to call 999. A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. This version is the old Grid 2 gridset modified using Grid...

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy
Leigh Wharton

In order to use this grid set you will need to purchase a copy of The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. Symbols to support the book The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy Link to the Charlie Mackesy...

The grid game 2019

Game of grid

The Jungle Book
Henshaws One

Accessible story

The Proclaimers

An easy access for those who enjoy songs by the Proclaimers.

Tik Tok

This is designed to use the Windows 10 Tik Tok App - You will need to install the app from the Microsoft Store

TikTok 1.1
SARA di Marco Gagliotta

Facilitatore dell'utilizzo di TikTok. Emulatore di mouse per gestire il computer. Gestisce le funzioni del mouse e quelle della tastiera. Mette in evidenza sulla prima pagina le principali scorciatoie da tastiera per l'audio, per mettere mi piace,...

Timer og nedtælling
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Et sidesæt med visuel nedtællingsur. Indstil selv tiden.

Towerklavier - simplified display
Saskia spraakterapie

Simplified display with less song options (Placement on right side)

Trial Streamlined Custom Gridset + phone
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Simple Gridset with simple phone option for literate adults.

Tumble Totts
Sam Ling

This is a one-button music player written for a brain injury rehab client. Set the access to scan continuously with unlimited scans and you can then control it with just one switch - press to play, press again to pause.


Grids to access Twitter and speak to the world in 140 characters. v3.6.3