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Voco Chat - TEXT ALS
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

December 21. An adapted version of Voco Chat with symbols largely removed. Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully...

Alap komunikacio HU
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Základná komunikácia v maďarskom jazyku: áno, nie, o mne, jesť, piť

Áno Nie Možno
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Základná komunikácia: áno nie možno

Dni v týždni
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A simple grid to be used at the start of the day. Complete the sentence 'Today is...' by selecting the day of the week.

Jarné aktivity
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A selection of 4 activities celebrating spring! Spring Sentences, Wordsearch, Spring Poem and Egg Hunt.

Komunikácia základ
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Základná komunikácia: áno alebo nie

Komunikacio alap HU
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Základná komunikácia v maďarskom jazyku: áno alebo nie, volám sa, rodina, mám rád

Minds Eye - Grid 3
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Mind's Eye - Grid 3. (iOS users please search for 'Mind's Eye - Grid for iPad') Mind's Eye is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create images to help you better express what you think and feel. Type a short description of your desired...

Mriežky pre triedu
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A sample pack of resources for use in the classroom. Visual timetables, star chart and first/then choice grids. All can be edited in edit mode.

Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A simple grid to be used to talk about the weather each day. Complete the sentence 'The weather is...' by selecting from the weather on the grid.

Zamestnanec PREKLADY

This grid set is designed to demonstrate how Grid can be used to support learners who need support through scheduling and sequencing. This is a sample grid set.

Príbeh - Generátor nápadov
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

This grid set is designed to provide random prompts for story ideas focusing on character, setting, time, props and plot. Ideas are generated at random.

Príbeh - Super vety
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A Simple grid set created to allow the user to practice writing similes and using powerful adjectives to improve their writing. This grid uses activation order to indicate which part of the sentence should be selected.

Príbeh - Opis postáv a prostredia
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A simple grid to support pupils to describe their characters and setting as part of developing story writing skills. Vocabulary can be edited in edit mode.

Príbeh - Postupnosť
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

This grid set is designed to demonstrate using grid 3 to sequence events in a story. the activities show both errorless and free choice sequencing.

Recenzia knihy
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A simple gridset to support book review writing. It includes wordlists for opinions, likes/dislikes and recommendations. Wordlists can be easily adapted to personalise comments.

Rozhovor o prázdninách
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

This gridset is designed to allow users to chat about what they did during their holidays and also chat to others about theirs. The word list can be easily edited from the menu bar to change the items available on the first grid. The second grid...

Školský deň Teraz- Potom
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

A simple grid to show what lessons are now and what are next. Lessons can be edited in edit mode.

Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Symoji vám umožňuje rýchlo komunikovať prostredníctvom emócii, nápadov alebo pocitov používajúc animovanú postavičku. Použite Symoji na pridanie významu alebo sprostredkovanie celej správy jediným výberom. Existuje veľa typov Symojis, rozdelených do...

Symoji - Easy
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Symoji - výber, základ, umožňuje rýchlo komunikovať prostredníctvom emócii, nápadov alebo pocitov používajúc animovanú postavičku. Použite Symoji na pridanie významu alebo sprostredkovanie celej správy jediným výberom.

Tvorba viet
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

This sample gridset demonstrates how to offer sentence building activities in Grid 3 and provides templates for sentence building. There are three sentence building samples, one of which is forced order. Grids can be edited to change the sentence...

Vianočné hry
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Kolekcia hier ako su puzzle, spáruj, nájdi...

Voco Chat - SYMBOLY
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Voco Chat - symboly s textom.

Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat- TEXT
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

December 21. An adapted version of Voco Chat with symbols largely removed. Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully...

Základná komunikácia
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Základná komunikácia: áno, nie, o mne, jesť, piť

Zdravie ženy
Zamestnanec PREKLADY

Táto mriežka bola navrhnutá tak, aby podporila komunikáciu o zdraví žien. Môže ich použiť zdravotnícky pracovník na pomoc, aby porozumel tomu, čo sa deje, napr. ak je test alebo vyšetrenie nevyhnutné. Môže ju používať aj niekto, aby...
