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Alexa- PHS Sensory Rm.

A simplified environment control for people starting out with controlling their home automation products.

Alpha Core with added features
John Wesnofske

In Topics: Added grid sets for ECU, Mobile Phone and Social Media. In Setting: Added battery charging and percentage icon, and restart computer function.

Alt om Jul

Dette oppsettet handler om jul. Oppsettet lar deg snakke om jul ved å bruke bilder og korte setninger. De inkluderer også en ordliste og et bildealbum for å lære mer.

Amazon Echo
Smartbox (US)

This grid set for the Amazon Echo or Echo Dot gives you access to music, audio books, radio, news, weather, jokes, alarms etc as well as giving control over smart home devices such as lights, sockets and heating. The phrases on each page can be...

Amazon Echo - Touch
Smartbox German

Dieses Rasterset für Amazon Echo oder Echo Dot bietet Ihnen Zugriff auf Musik, Hörbücher, Radio, Nachrichten, Wetter, Witze, Alarme usw. sowie die Kontrolle über intelligente Heimgeräte wie Lichter, Steckdosen und Heizung. Die Phrasen auf jeder...

Amazon Echo - Touch
Smartbox (US)

This grid set for the Amazon Echo or Echo Dot gives you access to music, audio books, radio, news, weather, jokes, alarms etc as well as giving control over smart home devices such as lights, sockets and heating. The phrases on each page can be...

Ancienne Egypte - version tactile
Véronique Bélisle

Les Scènes interactives visuelles offrent des scènes animées qui peuvent être activées en effectuant des sélections dans la grille. Elles sont conçues pour enseigner la cause et l'effet ainsi que les premières compétences linguistiques.

Android Messages für Grid 3

Mit Android Messages für Grid 3 können Sie auf Textnachrichten auf Ihrem Smartphone reagieren. Beginnen Sie eine neue Konversation oder antworten Sie auf eingehende Nachrichten mit Text und verfügbaren Emojis. Sie können sogar Grid 3 Ihre...

animaux image photo CRF
ortho bis

associer le dessin d'un animal à sa photo. choix entre 2 images

Anpassad datorkontroll med favoriter
Jesper Picomed

Anpassad datorkontroll med favoriter m.m. Ta full kontroll över windows och andra program. Zoom klick gör det möjligt att med exakthet pricka ett objekt på skärmen. Andra sidor ger dig tangentbord och kontroll av andra Windows-funktioner på...

Aparat - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

Pakiet plansz pozwalający na wykonanie zdjęcia oraz następnie przeglądanie zdjęć.

Aparat - Zrób zdjęcie
Filip Szafarz

Aparat forograficzny z wykorzystaniem kamerki komputera lub tableta - dla użytkowników AAC. kontakt:

Asemointi katse by Tays Tikoteekki

Katseohjausta käyttävälle, jossa kalibrointi sekä tietokoneen sammutus, uudelleenkäynnistys sekä äänen voimakkuuden säätäminen.

association- liens logiques
Aude B

CRF associations logiques

At Home with NED

Using a modified Grid 3 Web browser grid, this grid is set up to help people access At Home with NED. At Home with NED is a guide to assistive technology in Australia and guides you to different products based on the room at home, the office, or the...

Atalhos do Gmail

Um teclado com os atalhos do Gmais prontos a usar e/ou integrar no seu ambiente GRID 3.

Atividades Criadas

Atividades com reforço auditivo, videos e música. Ideal para motivar os mais pequenos.

Attività fotocamera - tocco
Smartbox Italian

Fai fotografie usando il tuo tablet e poi guardale.

Attività gestione appunti - tocco
Smartbox Italian

Gestisci in autonomia i tuoi appunti ed inviali se è necessario.

Attività orologio - tocco
Smartbox Italian

Una semplice attività che rappresenta l'orologio analogico e digitale.

Attività per navigare in internet
Smartbox Italian

Un web browser accessibile che ti da tutti gli strumenti che ti servono per navigare in internet.

Attività Symbol talker B
Ambra D'Alessio 7ANNI

Symbol Talker è un vocabolario completo per chi usa la comunicazione simbolica. Ha pagine sia per esprimere un'opinione, per comunicare a casa, nel contesto scolastico, in ambito terapeutico.

Filip Szafarz

Audiobajki dla użytkowników AAC

Audiobook Player (Gridpad 12)

Grid Layout som gør det muligt at afspille lydbøger gemt på computeren. Grid Layoutet husker hvor du sidst kom til i lydbogen, og kan håndtere alle de lydbøger du ønsker. Programmet Audiobook Player skal hentes i Microsoft Store for at Grid...

Filip Szafarz

Audiobooki dla użytkwoników AAC. Mikołajek i inne chłopaki, Czerwony Kapturek, Królewna Śnieżka i Kubuś Puchatek - posłuchaj ulubionej bajki w wersji audio. Materiały pochodzą z serwisu Miłego słuchania! Kontakt:...

Regina Camacho Santos


Barbie dans tous ses états
Sabine ergo

discrimination visuelle Barbie mai septembre 2020

Smartbox Croatian

Brz i jednostavan način za kreiranje, pohranjivanje i uređivanje dokumenata.

bladyns 60 cell
Jenita Jacob

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...