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Alpha Core

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core - Briony
Back to Basics

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core - Copy (2)

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core - Copy (2)

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core for keyguard use
Craig Tech Lab

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Alpha Core with added features
John Wesnofske

In Topics: Added grid sets for ECU, Mobile Phone and Social Media. In Setting: Added battery charging and percentage icon, and restart computer function.

Android Messages für Grid 3

Mit Android Messages für Grid 3 können Sie auf Textnachrichten auf Ihrem Smartphone reagieren. Beginnen Sie eine neue Konversation oder antworten Sie auf eingehende Nachrichten mit Text und verfügbaren Emojis. Sie können sogar Grid 3 Ihre...

Animais iguais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Selecionar a imagem igual, utilizando os animais.

Anpassad datorkontroll med favoriter
Jesper Picomed

Anpassad datorkontroll med favoriter m.m. Ta full kontroll över windows och andra program. Zoom klick gör det möjligt att med exakthet pricka ett objekt på skärmen. Andra sidor ger dig tangentbord och kontroll av andra Windows-funktioner på...

anpassat tangetnbord dubbla skärmar

Skriva utanför Grid Dart 2020

anpassat tangetnbord dubbla skärmar

Skriva utanför Grid Dart 2020

anpassat tangetnbord dubbla skärmar CVI

Skriva utanför Grid Dart 2020 CVI

association- liens logiques
Aude B

CRF associations logiques

Atalhos do Gmail

Um teclado com os atalhos do Gmais prontos a usar e/ou integrar no seu ambiente GRID 3.

Attività di controllo computer

Emulatore di mouse per gestire il computer. Gestisce le funzioni del mouse e quelle della tastiera.

Attività Fast Talker

Fast Talker è una soluzione completa per la comunicazione alfabateca, con applicazioni per la comunicazione rapida di testo, banca de messaggii, SMS, e-mail, navigazione sul Web e molto altro. È inoltre possibile utilizzare le risorse Servus...

Attività Fast talker 3
Graziella Giorgini

Fast Talker 3 permette di gestire in piena autonomia attraverso diversi sistemi di accesso (puntamento oculare, touchscreen, scansione, emulazione di mouse) la comunicazione alfabetica, il controllo ambientale, la navigazione su web, la gestione...

Attività Fast talker 3

Fast Talker 3 permette di gestire in piena autonomia attraverso diversi sistemi di accesso (puntamento oculare, touchscreen, scansione, emulazione di mouse) la comunicazione alfabetica, il controllo ambientale, la navigazione su web, la gestione...

Attività Fast talker scrivere Angelo

Fast Talker 3 permette di gestire in piena autonomia attraverso diversi sistemi di accesso (puntamento oculare, touchscreen, scansione, emulazione di mouse) la comunicazione alfabetica, il controllo ambientale, la navigazione su web, la gestione...


jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", revisité pour une approche visuelle plus constrastée (noir & blanc)

attrape-zèbre grille et distracteurs

jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", avec ajouts de distracteurs (autres animaux placés dans les grilles)

attrape-zèbre sans grille + distracteurs

jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", avec ajouts de distracteurs (autres animaux dans les grilles) les cases ne sont pas matérialisées et le fond est donc uni pour plus de clarté pour l'utilisateur

Audiobook Player (Gridpad 12)

Grid Layout som gør det muligt at afspille lydbøger gemt på computeren. Grid Layoutet husker hvor du sidst kom til i lydbogen, og kan håndtere alle de lydbøger du ønsker. Programmet Audiobook Player skal hentes i Microsoft Store for at Grid...

Augen auf App an (deutsch)
ASSISTUK Lars Tiedemann

Zugriff auf Browser-Apps und -Spiele von AssistUK, entwickelt von Lars Tiedemann. Informationen unter Die Anwendungen sind für Augensteuerung optimiert und können kostenlos getestet werden. Für die dauerhafte Nutzung ohne...

Ausschalten & Neustart

Einfaches Gridset für Neustart und Ausschalten des Computers

Ausschalten, Neustart, Standby

Einfaches Gridset für Ausschalten, Neustart und Standby des Computers

Sean 2016-11-10 2016-09-12

Environment control, speech generation & computer control through voice, switch & eye gaze access methods