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Casey Boleat

Number play and songs

Numbers eye gaze accuracy

Target based activity for working out the limit of one's calibration. The number of cells available in this gridset are 6, 12, 20, 30, 42 & 60

Numbers and letters YouTube
Marion Stanton

This Grid set supports Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) literacy and maths goals through You Tube tunes.

Nursery Rhymes
Keira Smartbox

4 cell grid which plays the nursery rhyme selected. Simple cause and effect grid

Nursery Rhymes
Keira Smartbox

4 cell grid which plays the nursery rhyme selected. Simple cause and effect grid

Nursery Rhymes (2)
Keira Fewtrell- Smartbox 23

Jumps to a video of the nursery rhyme

OB sensory needs

Words to communicate sensory needs

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Saff Mann AAC

Published in 1937. Drifters in search of work, George and his childlike friend Lennie, have nothing in the world except the clothes on their back - and a dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch...

Oliver twist

oliver twist descriptive words for setting

Olympics 2016
Smartbox Kat

Word list grid set covering basic setences to cover the 2016 Olympics, ask simple question and give feedback. Also feature a bonus grid set with sounds to cheer on your favourite teams.

Olympics 2016
Hannah Church - Smartbox

Word list grid set covering basic sentences to cover the 2016 Olympics, ask simple question and give feedback. Also feature a bonus grid set with sounds to cheer on your favourite teams.

Online Christmas Games

This computer control grid set contains five online Christmas games from various websites with computer control gridsets to go with them. They are of varying difficulty levels and are colour coded, green games are easily accessible and red games are...


These pages made in conjunction with Microboards and Rett UK are for people to discuss the details of their pain. Including what effect the pain is having on them and how long they have had the pain. Please link the where is the pain to the body...


Painting communication grid. Basic colours, more, finished and comments so people can comment on the activity. Painting Paint Communication EYFS Early years Education Special Education Schools Toys Activities Play Technology toys Communication...

pamper group

For learning to keep eye on a target in the presence of distractors and gathering evidence of purposeful choices. See help page. Happy to make other versions in exchange for a small donation to a charity. Email me on for...

Pancake Day
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple, six cell gridset for making pancakes. Phrases, toppings and actions. All words can be edited to personalise the grid.

Pancake day Learning Grid and activites
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Use the modified Super core learning grids to talk about your pancakes; how you make them and even more importantly, eat them! Follow recipes for some popular pancake recipes and decorate a virtual pancake with your favourite toppings.

Pancake Recipe
Tiffany Williams

This Gridset includes a symbolised recipe to cook pancakes for IDDSI levels 5. This grid set was created by ATtherapy. Have fun baking! Contact:

Pancakes with activities!
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A gridset for pancake day with vocabulary about your pancake preferences, and asking for support in making your perfect pancakes. This gridset includes 4 pancake recipes and an activity to top your own pancake.