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Simple choosing grid

Simple choosing grid for look to learn games

Simple Eye Gaze Book Blank Template
CALL Scotland

Use this blank template grid set to create an accessible digital book for an eye gaze user. Instructions are also withn the grid. This grid set is a blank template for creating your own accessible digital copies of a paper book for learners with...

Simple iPad Book Blank Template
CALL Scotland

Use this blank template grid set to create an accessible digital book for a Grid for iPad user. Created by CALl Scotland

Simple keyboard

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple phonics keyboard
english 2022

Simple phonics keyboard - hear phonics sounds as you type, and hear word read to you once complete.

Simple Tech Resource Example
Neil Hansen

A collection of useful low and simple technology resources, aimed at giving you ideas to start using with the Grid 2

Simple Video Player
Rob Series - Smartbox

Browse your media libraries and play your favourite music and videos.

Simplifed access youtube
Smartbox Academy

This grid set uses Word ist cells to add content. Enlarged cells with less on the grid results in easier navigation and only one link to choose from. Be specific about what is written in the Word list cell.

Singing Hands - Dear Zoo (switch)
Amy Robertson

Each grid contains one scanable cell which you can select to hear 30 seconds of a song, you then need to select this cell again to hear a further 30 seconds. Whilst the song is playing, it is not possible to interrupt this. This grid set is...

Single Letter Sounds
Phonics for All

Phonics for All - Single Letter Sounds. This is the starting point for Phonics for All. This grid set explores the smallest unit of sound, a single letter on its own. There are 26 sets inside this grid set. Please download all 11 Phonics for...

skal vi ikke lave en snemand

er du vild med sne, så er det her sidesæt måske noget for dig. det rummer ord så du kan være med til at bygge en snemand og sammen med dine venner eller andre bestemme hvordan den skal se ud. og sige hvad su syntes og spørge hvad de syntes. jeg er...

skal vi lege kongen befaler

Kongen befaler er bygget op ligesom den traditionelle leg "Simon siger", hvor der er en der siger hvad de andre i legen skal gøre. Dette Grid layout giver brugeren mulighed for at være den der styrer legen og deltagerne vil kunne opleve at brugeren...


I 'Skoledokumenter' kan elever lage notater, gjøre skolearbeid, og lagre dette på PC eller GridPad. Elever kan lagre notater etter kategorier og enkelt søke opp disse senere for å jobbe videre i notater de har lagret. I tillegg til å kunne...

Skriv et kort til en du godt kan lide

Nu er det snart valentinsdag, og måske du har lyst til at skrive et brev til en du godt kan lide, eller som betyder noget særligt for dig. Dette sidsesæt giver dig forslag til, hvad du kan skrive. Det er med symboler, men du kan også bruge...

Tea Žgomba

slikopriča-slaganje stihova i rečenica by Tea Ž.

snak om dagen i dag

Dette Grid layout kan bruges i forbindelse med morgensamling, det giver mulighed for, at snakke om ugedag, måned, årstal, vejret, årstid, påklædning, hvad skal vi have på, hvordan er mit humør lige nu, og spørge ind til samtalepartneren. Sidesættet...

snap game
Hannah Reeves

A two-player game of snap. Currently has animal cards, you can change to other topics by editing the word list.

Snowman Decorating Activity
Judy King

Decorate your Snowman using Grid 3, choosing from a range of fun, festive decorations. Grid set includes chat page to discuss your creations, and the oportunity to print once complete.

Social and Communication
Marion Stanton

This Grid set supports Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) communication and social goals through You Tube tunes.

Social Stories - Template

A series of templates for Social Stories for Gid 3 and Grid for iPad with instructions for creating your own social stories. This grid uses 'Grid Commands' on each page, these can be found in edit mode under the grid tab. There are also...

Social Stories -Template
Smartbox Academy

A series of templates for Social Stories for Gid 3 and Grid for iPad with instructions for creating your own social stories. This grid uses 'Grid Commands' on each page, these can be found in edit mode under the grid tab. There are also...

Social Story or Book template with recorded speech or read label
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Social Story or Book template is a simple 14 page cause and effect story/picture book. You can change the picture and recording on the cell to put the picture of the page in your book and a recording of the story. If you want it to read the...

Solar System
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A Grid 3 guide to the galaxy! An interactive image of our solar system with useful facts and figures about all 9 planets.

Solar System
Smartbox Academy

A Grid 3 guide to the galaxy! An interactive image of our solar system with useful facts and figures about all 9 planets.

Som Animais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Associar o som do animal à imagem correspondente.

Som s ou z
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Discriminar auditivamente os pares minimos /s/ e /z/. Desenvolver a consciência fonológica dos sons supracitados.

Somas de 1 a 10

Este Teclado tem somas de 1 a 10 sequenciais e aleatórias. Produzido por Daniela Ramos, Cristiana Taveira e Jaime Ribeiro (ESSLei - IPLEIRIA)