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Fast Talker 2 with Copy function
Will Wade

(This is a very simple fork of the regular Fast Talker 2 to be used with CrossClip copy buffer - would allow a individual to share the clipboard between machines..) Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated...

Fast Talker 2 with Copy function

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...

Fast Talker 2 with message banking
Jess Wright - Smartbox

Fast Talker with Message bank a example of using recorded messages and sound. Legacy Messages - Messages that often delivered with unique intonation and prosody that are unique or particular to you. It may be a ‘trademark’ message you say or it...

Fast talker 9 cell
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Fast Talker 9 cell uses our Touch Type prediction system for typing that works in a similar way to mobile phone predictive text. Music player and word processor are also included.

Fast Talker ABC keyboard
Jess Wright - Smartbox

ABC keyboard - Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you...

Fast Talker alphabetical
Compass Ax 2019_12_24

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...

Fast Talker MND Eye Gaze
John G

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...

FastTalker deutsche Anwendung

Fast Talker ist ein neues und schnelles Text-Kommunikationssystem für die Verwendung in Grid 2. Es verfügt über unsere Touch Type Texteingabe-System mit Wortvorhersage, das in ähnlicher Weise auf Handys eingesetzt wird. Fast Talker ist für den...

FBH Prov
Isak Test

Symbol Talker är en komplett kommunikationslösning för en person som behöver stöd av symboler för att tala. Det finns sidor för att uttrycka åsikter, och många andra användbara kategorier t ex skola, hem.

Five Row Single Column (workspace left)
Online Grid Bundles

Grid designed for MyTobii user who can only access one column positioned slightly off centre. Could be used as basis for other single column grids. From Zoe Robertson

Flag Matching
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A simple game where the user has to match the country's name to it's flag.

Flaggen raten
B. Hornscheidt

Ein einfaches Spiel in dem man die Flaggen den richtigen Ländern zuordnen muss.

Flash Card WLS
Neil Hansen

Flash Card is a simple to use grid set that allows you to: - show a single symbol virtually full screen, use this to train people to use new symbols - just press the flash card button when you find the symbol you want - use next symbol to...


A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...


A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Folly Farm
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A grid bundle bringing together all the Folly Farm games together. Contains, Hide and Seek, Animal Matching , Colour Hidden pictures and Counting grids.

Food and Drink
Online Grid Bundles

Choose your meals and drinks, by Chris George

Forenklet SymbolPrat A

En forenklet utgave av SymbolPrat A. Inneholder ingen setningstartere og har færre temasider enn orginalutgaven av SymbolPrat A.

formas e cores
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Identificação de formas e cores.

formas simples
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Identificação de formas.

Fotoalbum Autos
Tom Schmidt

Foto-Album Autos - Ein Grid für alle Auto-Fans. Aktuelle Autos werden hier in einer Bilder-Show gezeigt, die die Möglichkeiten des Grid-Werkzeugs "Wortlisten" nutzt. Wer über die Menüleiste (F12) unter "Automatischer Inhalt" die "Wortliste" für das...

Four Row Single Column (workspace bottom)
Online Grid Bundles

Grid set up for MyTobii user who can only access four rows in a single column and needed workspace to be visible in the column. Could be used as the basis for other four cell grids. From Zoe Robertson