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Access youtube + core - Copy

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Access youtube + core - funny TV
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Access youtube + core (Christmas)
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Accessible Manifestos
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Mencap have called on the main political parties taking part in the general election 2019 on Thursday 12 December to provide easy read versions of their manifestos. Each parties easy read manifesto can be read here. For parties that have not...


Accuracy test for eyegaze, touch and any other pointer!

ACETS Communication Access
Bryson C

ACETS version of a Communication Access board for acute care settings. This version includes the following features: - pre-programmed vocabulary categorized in folders - pain scale - interactive body maps with hotspots - keyboard - Yes, No, I...

ACETS Communication Access

ACETS version of a Communication Access board for acute care settings. This version includes the following features: - pre-programmed vocabulary categorized in folders - pain scale - interactive body maps with hotspots - keyboard - Yes, No, I don't...

ACETS Communication Access - Picture-based
Bryson C

ACETS version of a Communication Access board for acute care settings. Note: this version is picture-based. This version includes the following features: - pre-programmed vocabulary categorized in folders - pain scale - interactive body maps...

ACETS Communication Access - Picture-based
Sian 2024_03_08

ACETS version of a Communication Access board for acute care settings. Note: this version is picture-based. This version includes the following features: - pre-programmed vocabulary categorized in folders - pain scale - interactive body maps with...

ACETS Fast Talker for iPad
Bryson C

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker for iPad includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, message banking, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control using the Amazon...

ACETS Supercore 30 vocab 5x7 grid
Bryson C

*ACETS modified Supercore 5x7 cell* SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific...

Acitivty Timer
Smartbox Academy

In this grid, you have the option to set a timer for 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes. Additionally, there is a section where students can utilize core vocabulary and topic cells. By selecting these cells, they will appear in the chat writing area...

Ações - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Identificar as ações com recurso aos símbolos SPC TSEER Maurília Sampaio NIPI 2022 Imagens da google e adaptada com símbolos pictográficos para a comunicação


Selección Act Musicoterapia

Actividad paco
Ana Reche

Symbol Talker D contiene el vocabulario núcleo en la página de inicio. Esto significa que puedes generar frases nuevas de manera rápida y acceder a las cuadrículas temáticas solo para encontrar palabras menos comunes. Las herramientas de gramática...

Actividad paco
Éricka Ordóñez

Symbol Talker D contiene el vocabulario núcleo en la página de inicio. Esto significa que puedes generar frases nuevas de manera rápida y acceder a las cuadrículas temáticas solo para encontrar palabras menos comunes. Las herramientas de gramática...

Actividade 1- Descobrir o vocabulário
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Expandir o vocabulário correspondente a diferentes categorias semânticas CRPCCG 2022- TF Inês Vaz

Actividade 1- La - Le - Li - Lo- Lu- 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Trabalhar a discirminação auditiva e articulação verbal de palavras que começem por La-Le-Li-Lo-Lu CRPCCG 2023- TF Inês Vaz

Actividade 10- da,de,di,do,du
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Trabalhar a discriminação auditiva e articulação verbal de palavras que começem por da-de-di-do-du CRPCCG 2022- Tf Inês Vaz

Actividade 11- va,ve,vi,vo,vu
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Trabalhar a discriminação auditiva e articulação verbal de palavras que começem por va-ve-vi-vo-vu CRPCCG 2022 - TF Inês Vaz

Actividade 13- Perguntas- História da Toupeira
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Compreender o texto lido, seleccionar a resposta adequada e desenvolver a Linguagem.

Actividade 2- Ar-Er-Ir-Or-Ur- 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Trabalhar a discirminação auditiva e articulação verbal de palavras que começem por ar-er-ir-or-ur CRPCCG 2023- TF Inês Vaz

Actividade 2- Rotinas
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Organizar / Sequenciar as ações do dia-a-dia Promover construções frásicas corretas CRPCCG 2022- TF Inês Vaz

Actividade 3- Consciência fonológica para o som [s]
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Promover a consciência fonológica do som [s].

Actividade 3 - Identificar pela função
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Identificar a função dos objetos Nomear objetos CRPCCG 2022- TF Inês Vaz