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fang stjernerne bogstav jagt

Er du klar til at tage en tur i rummet som verdens sejeste astronaut. Du skal fange stjernen der her det ord, der begynder med det bogstav, der står på månen. Du kan vælge det færøske eller danske alfabet. Sidesættet kan bruges med alle...

fang tyven

I dette sidesæt er du politimand og skal holde øje med hvad tyven stjæler. Først er der seks billeder, siden siger hvad der er på billederne og du har alt den tid du skal bruge, til at kigge på de forskellige. Når du så er klar, trykker du på...

Fang tyven PCS ikke høj kontrast

I dette sidesæt er du politimand og skal holde øje med hvad tyven stjæler. Først er der seks billeder, siden siger hvad der er på billederne og du har alt den tid du skal bruge, til at kigge på de forskellige. Når du så er klar, trykker du på...

Fanga stjørnurnar bókstava veiða
Guðrun Guðjónsson

So er klárt at fara út í rúmdina, sum heimsins kulasti rúmdarmaður. Fanga stjørnurnar, sum hava tað orðið, sum byrjar við bókstavinum, sum stendur á mánanum. Vel ímillum tað føroyska bókstavaraðið ella tað danska alfabetið. Síðusettið kann brúkast...

Far west

Les Scènes interactives visuelles offrent des scènes animées qui peuvent être activées en effectuant des sélections dans la grille. Elles sont conçues pour enseigner la cause et l'effet ainsi que les premières compétences linguistiques.

Far west - version tactile
Smartbox French

Les Scènes interactives visuelles offrent des scènes animées qui peuvent être activées en effectuant des sélections dans la grille. Elles sont conçues pour enseigner la cause et l'effet ainsi que les premières compétences linguistiques.


Teclado de conteúdo - quotidiano


Teclado de conteúdo - quotidiano

Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

THIS GRIDSET WILL ALLOW ONE CELL SELECTION OF A SPECIFIC YOUTUBE VIDEO. INSTRUCTIONS PAGE INCLUDED FOR SETTING UP. This Youtube gridset allows the user to select a specific video from YouTube and be played using a single selection. No search or...

Fast Chat

Advanced keyboard with chat history, phrase banking and prediction. Created by Neil Fitzgerald.

Fast Chat with rest cells

Advanced keyboard with chat history, phrase banking and prediction.

Fast Talker - anpassad för Grid for iPad

Anpassad version av Fast Talker att använda i Grid for iPad.

Fast Talker - Large Cell

Fast Talker Large Cell has the same features as Fast Talker and is available for people who need larger cells on each grid. It has a frequency-based keyboard that splits letters across two grids, with the most commonly used letters appearing first....

Fast Talker 3 Keyboard Tools
Trevor Mobbs - Smartbox

Adds enhanced editing and cursor control tools to Fast Talker 3 keyboard tools pages. (Included as standard with version 3.0.20 of Grid 3 onwards). Delete the following grids from your existing Fast Talker 3, and replace them with the versions in...

Fast Talker 3 Messages - Word Lists
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

The Messages from Fast Talker 3 as a single page which uses the change word list command (the original version of Fast Talker 3 uses jump cells). Useful if you want to reduce the number of message categories or rename the message categories, so...

Fast Talker 3 Messages - Word Lists with topic highlight
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

The Messages from Fast Talker 3 as a single page using the change word list command instead of jump cells (as in the standard version of Fast Talker 3). Useful if you want to reduce the number of message categories or rename message categories,...

Fast Talker 3 Talk Pad
Erik Kortebäck, Picomed AB

En komplett lösning för läs-och- skrivkunninga personer. Tänkt att fungera i Grid for iPad och Talk Pads. Fast Talker 3 Talk Pad innehåller appar för textkommunikation, kamera, dokument. En anpassning som är lämplig för tex personer med ALS. 3.892

Fast talker chat modified

Fast talker chat (keyboard) grid - message window at bottom.

Fast Talker for iPad
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker for iPad includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, message banking and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control using the Amazon Echo or Google Home...

Fast Talker messages 2 step
Tom G - Smartbox Support

If you want the Fast Talker messages grid to be separated out into 2 grids (one for the category of message, and the other for the messages themselves) then import the grids from this grid set into your copy of Fast Talker, and change the jump from...

Fazer contagens
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

O objetivo desta atividade é nomear a imagem, aprender a contar e identificar os números. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz

Feathery facts
Natasha Roberts - Smartbox

Practice sentence building with some fun bird facts. These grids have been created using a single activation command, so each word can only be selected once! You will need to update to version 3.0.20 for the single activation command to work.


Fecha y horario