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Music Magic
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Make some noise with The Grid 2! You can tinkle the ivories on the piano, bash out a solo on the drums, play that guitar loud, or just sing your heart out!

Music maker
Smartbox - The Grid 2

These grids are for making musical sounds. Select a keyboard and then hit the different keys to play a tune. You can also select different instruments. These grids use the new MIDI commands in The Grid 2.3 (if you have an earlier version you...

music one cell
Trevor Mobbs - Smartbox

Single cell grid - plays a music track for 5s and pauses, selecting the cell again will resume the track for another 5s

music one switch

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube.

Music video player
Captain America

Example of how specific youtube videos can be played in Grid 3

Music video player 6 cell
Captain America

Example of how specific youtube videos can be played in Grid 3

Music Videos
Tove Gant

Uses music videos as a motivator encouraging users to click their song of choice and go directly to preferred youtube choices, with one consistent Video Player grid for all videos!

NeuroNode NEW

Waz music 2


Per a aprendre els instruments , tipus de música, practicar elecccions i anticipar activitats relacionades amb la música. Molta música! gràcies a Mar Buades ( CC Mater Misericordiae) per deixar-nos la plantilla, gràcies Rayco Quesada ( Fundación...



Música nuevo

Clase de música

Música - Sequência

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Música 4 casillas

Cuadrícula con cuatro fotos, cada una con una canción enlazada. Para trabajar las elecciones y el causa-efecto.

Utente Base

Musica Causa Effetto


Musica Causa Effetto

Musica Santi

Mi música

Música y dibujos animados

Cuadrícula para trabajar las elecciones y el causa-efecto.; puede elegir en la pantalla principal entre música y dibújos animados y una vez seleccionado uno, entre otras tres opciones o de música o de dibujos.

Musical instruments
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums.

Musical instruments
Amy Robertson

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums.

Musical instruments (1)

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums.