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Large Target Keyboard
FRS Custom Solutions

If you need a keyboard with large targets, look no further than the FRS Large Target Keyboard. This keyboard gives you the ability to access a full 26 letter alphabet, punctuation, & numbers all while using a layout that allows a minimal number of...

large text supercore 30

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...

Las princesas también se tiran pedos


Las sílabas

Atividade de Semántica fonológica…

Laufsteg - Touch
Smartbox German

Wähle dein Make Up, deinen Style, dein Haar und ziehe deine Kleider an..., denn es ist Zeit für den Laufsteg. Hier lernst du es, eine Auswahl zu treffen. Mit den Rastersets zum interaktiven Lernen sollen spielerisch und motivert...

Lav et billede
Smartbox Danish

Lav dit eget billede ved at vælge en scene og de karakterer du vil have med, så kan du tage det perfekte billede! Dette Grid Layout udvikler tidlige evner til at foretag valg. Interaktive læringsaktiviteter er designet for at være motiverende og...

Lav kunst med Jackson Pollock

Dette sidesæt giver dig mulighed for at betjene Jackson Pollock hjemmesiden, hvor du kan lave din helt egen kunst. Skab abstrakt kunst vha. din øjenstyring.. Når du trykker på Tilbage, så går den tilbage til din standard øjenstyrings-indstilling. Du...

Lazy Lake - Touch

Down by the lake you’ll find wildlife, a boat and even a train as you explore this scene. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Lazy Lake - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Down by the lake you’ll find wildlife, a boat and even a train as you explore this scene. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Lazy Lake - Touch
John McNeeney

Down by the lake you’ll find wildlife, a boat and even a train as you explore this scene. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

le bateau de mr Zouglouglou

album adapté : le bateau de monsieur zouglouglou..

le loup est revenu

Exercice "Le loup est revenu" apprentissage des pictogrammes. Le Nid Bearnais (Novembre 2018)

Le système digestif - cherche et trouve

La bouche, le système digestif, l'anus, le rectum, le pancréas, le duodénum, l'oesophage, l'estomac, le foie, la vésicule biliaire, l'intestin grêle, le gros intestin

Le tabelline
Anna Morena Tafuro

La tabellina del 2_La tabellina del 3_maestraAnnaMorena

Leah's Disney Targeting
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Adaptation of great targeting gridset found in online grids.

Leah's Words (Super Core 30)
Campbell Co. PS Control Bionics Eye Control

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...