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Smartbox Norwegian

Snøen har lagt seg på trær og hus I Vinterland. Her er det mye å oppdage når du utforsker landskapet. Dette oppsettet har fokus på årsak/virkning, samtidig som man trener kommunikative ferdigheter. Interaktiv læring er laget for å være motiverende...

Cognita AS

Snøen har lagt seg på trær og hus I Vinterland. Her er det mye å oppdage når du utforsker landskapet. Dette oppsettet har fokus på årsak/virkning, samtidig som man trener kommunikative ferdigheter. Interaktiv læring er laget for å være motiverende...

Visita ao Oceanário - animais - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação com animais. Elaborado por Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2023

Visita ao Oceanário - animais e características - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação com animais e características. Elaborado por Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2023

Visual Scene Display Template
Emma H - Smartbox

An example of how a grid set can be used as a visual scene display to communicate. This grid set uses pictures of rooms in the home as well as places the user might want to visit. Pictures can be replaced with photos more relevant to the user...

Visual Scene Display Template
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

An example of how a grid set can be used as a visual scene display to communicate. This grid set uses pictures of rooms in the home as well as places the user might want to visit. Pictures can be replaced with photos more relevant to the user...

Visual Scenes
Jennifer R

Example of a visual scene grid set

Visual Scenes Template
Simon Judge

Visual Scenes WITH symbols (via WordList). This is fiddly to do well - requires more editing than just taking picture and drawing hotspots that can do in other apps. BUT it is more flexible. e.g. Scene and Heard old has symbols but transparent on...

Visual Schedule
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Create your own schedule by entering details into the boxes. Interactive elements.

Visual support sequence
Smartbox Academy

In this activity encourages following a sequence independently. The activation order command means the cells can only be selected in order. These can be personalized with the symbols that the individual uses. The topic can also be changed to support...

Visual Timetable - Widgit
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A grid set for a user to see and record the day's activities. This uses Widgit symbols, alterantive symbol versions are available

Visual Timetable PCS
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A grid set for a user to see and record the day's activities. This uses PCS symbols, alterantive symbol versions are available

Visuelle scener- lav dine egne (skabelon)
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Lav din helt egen visuelle scene! Når dette Grid Layout hentes ned er siden helt tom. Når du går ind i Rediger Grid Layout er der gjort klar til at du nemt kan lave den til din egen personlige visuelle side med hotspots. Sådan gør du: 1. Gå i...

Vivid Sydney Festival
Jess Wright - Smartbox

A grid set to aid users to discuss and talk about Sydney's Vivid festival in the style of the vocabulary; Symbol Talker B.

Vocabulaire 1

Trouver le mot correspondant à la définition

Vocabulaire 3 - exercice

Répond aux questions après avoir lu le texte : CONSTRUIRE UNE PIROGUE Robinson, naufragé, vit depuis des années sur son île déserte. Depuis peu, il a un compagnon, Vendredi, un Indien qu’il a sauvé. L’Indieneut l’idéede fabriquer pour...

Vocabulaire 3 - orthographe

Retrouve la bonne orthographe du mot

Vocabulaire 4 - orthographe

Retrouve la bonne orthographe du mot

Vocabulaire de l'iem

Une grande partie du vocabulaire d'envoludia, placé dans une grille grid par catégorie: Actions,besoins,personnes,lieux,petits mots...