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Today I'm Feeling
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple grid set to support a user to say how they are feeling that day. Emotions can be easily edited in edit mode by selecting change label and picture from the home tab.

Today I'm Feeling

Kent School District: A simple check in for feelings. Emotions are labeled and color-coded to match with Zones of Regulation curriculum.

Today I'm Feeling
Speak for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

Kent School District: A simple check in for feelings. Emotions are labeled and color-coded to match with Zones of Regulation curriculum.

Today I'm Feeling Activation Order
Education User 2024

Revised version of the feelings grid, with activation order to guide access and help with scructure

Todays Activities
Emma H - Smartbox

A grid set for a user to see and record the day's activities. This uses Widgit symbols, alterantive symbol versions are available

Todd Jan 22 Edits
Sue Hart

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Todd June 21 Edits
Sue Hart

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Toilet schedule

Create your own schedule by entering details into the boxes.

Toiletting schedule wees
Rachel Kelly

Create your own schedule by entering details into the boxes.


l'univers de Tom

Tom Yes No Board

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.

Topic Grids

A topic based vocabulary for beginning AAC users. On each topic grid, users can build simple sentences from one or two selections, using sentence starters and topic words. Grid size is 6x3


Top choices

Touch 2
Madlene Becker

01.2010 Grid2 -1b Kommunikationsfläche für Erwaschene - Touch

Towerklavier - simplified display
Saskia spraakterapie

Simplified display with less song options (Placement on right side)

Toy box
Laith Ritchie

This grid set introduces AAC in a fun way. It allows you to interact with your child or client and see their development i.e eye gaze tracking.

Trabajar la descripción

Trabajar la descripción...CCG

Traffic Light Safe Words

This is a single page Gridset with big clear buttons for the traffic light safeword system. There is a high contrast version within, set this as the home page to use it instead. The traffic lights safewords are a way to communicate boundaries and...

Traffic Light Safe Words
Smartbox Academy

This is a single page Gridset with big clear buttons for the traffic light safeword system. There is a high contrast version within, set this as the home page to use it instead. The traffic lights safewords are a way to communicate boundaries and...

Train Ride
Katy Louise Hanna

The Train Ride book language support

Trains GLP
Casey Boleat

Trains Gestalt Language Processor

Transport to school
Tom M

Transport hogs



Matilde L.

Transportes Terra, Ar e Mar

Travaille livre des papas
IEM Montreuil

Travail de reconnaissance de pictos à partir du livre "la boite des papas"