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Human Organs - Human Systems
Kerry-anne cooper

Human Organs - Human BodySystems Grid PageSet

Hungry caterpillar - create own version ATtherapy

This grid set allows users to write their own version of The very hungry caterpillar, choosing from up to four options to make a silly story. At the end of the story, you can choose to write more, print your story, read your story back, or start...

hvad er klokken

I dette sidesæt, skal du hjælpe figurerne med at, gøre tingene til tiden udfra 3 muligheder, skal du finde det ur som viser det tidspunkt hvor figuren skal gøre noget. Yderligere oplysninger om sidesættet: på hver side bliver der sagt et tidspunkt,...

I feel
Smartbox Academy

Express their emotions and then select an activity for support. This support serves as a valuable tool to assist students in understanding and communicating their feelings and learning how to regulate them.

I Hear! Level A Book
Maddy McAllen

Read the sentence, hide the sentence if you like, recreate the sentence. Level A reader

identificação 1ª sílaba - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Identificação da sílaba inicial da palavra. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos

identificação da última sílaba - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

identificação da sílaba final da palavra. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos

Identificação de partes do corpo
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

O objetivo desta atividade é nomear as partes do corpo humano identificando a sua função. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz

Identificar Letras
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Nesta atividade o objetivo é identificar a letra inicial que corresponde a cada imagem, assim como nomear a imagem que aparece. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz

Identificar sons
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Identificar e associar sons às respectivas imagens (treino auditivo).

Identify Kitchen utensils

Help ALN/SEN pupils identify kitchen utensils as part of cooking classes.

IEr first phonics
Jen Clark

Initial sounds for the names of Isla's family

CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Jogo de correspondência da imagem igual, com 3 ou 4 opções.

Imagens e Palavras

Observa as imagens e lê as palavras. Escolhe a correta. Pronto para imprimir e ajudar enquanto baixa tecnologia.

Images sequentielles

Travailler les images séquentielles grâce au numerique. Mode sans échec dispo. Il s'agit d'une première série sur le matin: on dort, on se lave on enlève le pyjama et on s'habille

Images séquentielles la peinture

Travailler les images séquentielles grâce au numerique. Mode sans échec dispo. 4 images : Une petite fille verse la peinture sur sa feuille etc. 3 exercices différents sont proposés : Remettre en ordre les images; découverte de la phrase et un TLA...

images séquentielles Ploum

CRF - Images Séquentielles - Ploum

In the Water - Level A Book
Maddy McAllen

Read the sentence, hide the sentence if you like, recreate the sentence. Level A reader

Inch and Grub Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book “Inch and Grub’' written by Alastair Chisholm and illustrated by David Roberts. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated...

Independent Writing Keyboard
Bridges Canada Leanne

Designed to support independent writing with full access to the alphabet for emergent writers. Customize with images for 4 topic prompts. The 2 hit keyboard supports early eye gaze users and individuals with fine motor difficulties. Final writing...

Indholdsfortegnelse kogebog

Nu er det muligt at være mester kok og styre sine hjælpere eller forældre rundt i køkkenet. Dette grid layout fungerer som indholdsfortegnelsen i en kogebog. Grid layoutet linker til de enkelte opskrifter, dette kræver at de enkelte opskrifter...

Anna Morena Tafuro


Inicial do animal
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Jogo de identificação da inicial correspondente ao nome do animal. CRPCCG 2021 Terapeuta Ocupacional Inês Moreira

Initial Blends
Phonics for All

Phonics for All - Initial Blends. This grid set explores how two letters together at the beginning of a word are blended together, with clear visual examples. There are 24 sets in this grid set. Please download all 11 Phonics for All grid sets.

Instrumentos Cordas

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Instrumentos Sopro

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.