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Beeline - Touch

A fast and efficient symbol communication grid set, giving access to the highest frequency core vocabulary in just one or two selections. With a rigid structure to support motor planning, vocabulary is organised logically, with words arranged in...

Beeline - Touch
Smartbox (AUS)

A fast, efficient symbol communication grid set for people who want to get straight to the point.

Beeline - Touch
Smartbox (CA)

A fast, efficient symbol communication grid set for people who want to get straight to the point.

Beeline - Touch
Smartbox (US)

A fast, efficient symbol communication grid set for people who want to get straight to the point.

Beeline - Touch
Smartbox (SA)

A fast, efficient symbol communication grid set for people who want to get straight to the point.

Beeline - Touch

Beeline with simple qwerty keyboard (work in progress) Grid size is 11x8

Beeline - Touch

A fast, efficient symbol communication grid set edited for NR

Beeline - version tactile
Smartbox French

Une grille de communication rapide et efficace pour les personnes qui veulent aller droit au but.

Begin here
english 2022

An example starter grid set

Begin hier
english 2022

'n eenvoudige rooster stel vir jong beginners

Keira Smartbox

Simple 6 cell Grid set to get someone communicating

Benicio de Paula grid
Aline Fedatto

Conjunto de teclado para compartilhar em grupo de estudo abrangendo as possibilidades de configurações, funções e idéias de formação de sistemas.

MAS Villa Samahra

Besoins quotidiens

besoins PP

Besoins quotidiens

Big and small
Katy Louise Hanna

To accompany practical tasks in class sorting and identifying big and small objects

Big City - Touch

What will the hedgehog find when he arrives at the big city? Explore the scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Bigger Digger
Barney Hawes - Smartbox

Time to get mucky with some grids to go with the wonderful picture book "Bigger Digger" by Steve Webb and Ben Mantle.

Bilfrabrikken PCS

I denne udgave af bilfrabrikken, er symbolerne ændret til PCS.

Bilingual Therapy Richmond VocoChat Spanish 3.11.24
Bilingual Therapy Richmond

Voco Chat es un vocabulario de símbolos con número reducido de celdas, diseñado para permitir a los usuarios comunicarse por varias razones. Las secuencias de mensajes, con saltos incorporados y vocabulario cuidadosamente seleccionado, brindan un...


Nu kan du spille billedlotteri sammen med dine venner. Du kan vælge plader og være den der råber op eller ligge brikker på. Spillet lige nu er med dyr og maskiner, men det kan nemt laves om, hvis I hellere vil spille med noget andet. Sidesættet...

Bingo 1
Keira Smartbox

This is one of two bingo grids that can be played with another AAC user. The Picture is generated by a 'Random Phrase' command which may give you the same picture again but that means you can use the opportunity for some communcaition!

Bingo 2
Keira Smartbox

Part 2 of the Bingo game to play wth two AAC users

Begoña Lloréns Macián

Gridset preparado para jugar al Bingo de Animales, que incluye una plantilla con vocabulario núcleo. Elaborado por Begoña Lloréns Ver las plantillas para imprimir los "cartones" del bingo, desde la bara de menú...

Bingo dos instrumentos
Marta Soares

Teclado com o nome e o som de alguns intrumentos musicais. Tem também uma pequena tabela de comunicação feita a pensar no Bingo dos Instrumentos que podem encontrar aqui

Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park
Jan Polack

Animal spotting at the Birmingham Nature Centre (as was)