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ABC Big Tile Keyboard
NeuroNode Trilogy

Simple large tile keyboard

ABC 2 Step Keyboard
Michelle Marques

Two Step Keyboard with phrases

ABC isot solut

Suomenkieliseen aakkosjärjestykseen pohjautuva kirjoita-puhuta pohja. Kirjaimet kahdella sivulla. Lisäksi numerot ja yleisimmät välimerkit erillisellä sinulla.

ABC Letter Picker
James Hankins

ABC keyboard with phonic sounds on each letter. Select the star to see word suggestions. Great for users that are able to pick the first letter of a word.


6 cell keyboard

Ability Drive

A drive control interface that enables you to drive a powered wheelchair with you eyes.

ABUHB Learning Grids
Rose Hinnells

Caerphilly Children's Centre Team Learning Grids, based on Super Core Learning (these match the "ABUHB paper-based communication book 40")

ABUHB Paper-Based Communication Book 40
Rose Hinnells

Caerphilly Children's Centre Team paper based communication book adapted from WordPower 60, Super Core 50, and Super Core Learning

ABUHB Paper-Based Communication Book 60
Rose Hinnells

Caerphilly Children's Centre Team paper based communication book adapted from WordPower 60.

AC TV Grid

AC TV clips

Sébastien CAA

História social com estratégias para se acalmar.


História social com estratégias para se acalmar.

Acapela Voice Smileys
Emma H - Smartbox

This grid set displays how you can use punctuation to create sounds and change the way a word or phrase is spoken. Please note not all exclamations and sounds work with all voices, to see more about which work with each voice please visit that...

Accès a la symbolisation

Niveau représentatif.

Accès personnalisé à youtube
IEM Montreuil

Créée pour une jeune en particulier cette grille peut être retravaillée pour un autre jeune qui aurait des goûts musicaux différents . Le jeune accède à une première page où il choisit le chanteur qu'il veut écouter puis à la page chanteur sur...

Access youtube + core
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Access youtube + core
Helena Smith

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Access youtube + core - Copy

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube:

Access youtube + core - funny TV
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Introduce core language along side favourite videos, using links from Access Youtube: