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Moppereend ISAAC

In deze gridset wordt het boek "moppereend" gelezen en kan erover gepraat worden d.m.v. symbolen en tekst

more and less (4 corners)

Activity designed by my colleague Ellie Bennett for teaching more and less with switches, pointer, or eye tracking. Selecting correct answer plays a sound and goes to next question. Selecting incorrect answer does nothing. A facilitator can...

More and Stop Children's TV Shows
Petar Tica

This is a grid created with the intention of teaching users the language "more" and "stop" in a functional way. It features the programmes: Blaze and the Mighty Machines, Octonauts and Go Jetters (Fully changable if needed). Users can watch the...

Morning Check In English and Welsh
Leigh Wharton

Good Morning / Feeling board in English and Welsh

Morse code

Scanning Morse code with word prediction

Mosca Fosca

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

Mother's Day Activities

A fun and accessible grid set all about Mother's Day. It includes two learning grids with different cell sizes, featuring core and fringe vocabulary to encourage communication about Mother's Day. There are also two great activities to help make a...

Multimodal Book Choice Set EyeGaze Switch Access
Rebecca Cunneen

Links to different multimodal books on Youtube, similar to barefoot books. For self-selected reading.

Music at cpp
Ian Bennett

ian playing music at CP

Music Grids (2)

Music Grids


Per a aprendre els instruments , tipus de música, practicar elecccions i anticipar activitats relacionades amb la música. Molta música! gràcies a Mar Buades ( CC Mater Misericordiae) per deixar-nos la plantilla, gràcies Rayco Quesada ( Fundación...

Música - Sequência

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Música 4 casillas

Cuadrícula con cuatro fotos, cada una con una canción enlazada. Para trabajar las elecciones y el causa-efecto.

Música y dibujos animados

Cuadrícula para trabajar las elecciones y el causa-efecto.; puede elegir en la pantalla principal entre música y dibújos animados y una vez seleccionado uno, entre otras tres opciones o de música o de dibujos.

Musical instruments (1)

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums.

Ana Rosário

Este teclado foi criado para as crianças que gostam de música e que também podem aprender com ela. É possível ouvir a música, fazer pausa em qualquer momento e retomar do mesmo sítio onde se parou. É possível também legendar com imagens a música...

Muzički instrumenti
Превод на српски

Upoznavanje instrumenata i njihovih zvukova. Sviranje u Gridu 3 :-)

My alphabet book template high contrast

This simple alphabet book template enables you to add your own text and pictures/photos to create an alphabet book with personally meaningful words. It is a simple layout with two buttons. One button reads the text and the second button turns the...

My Books

Books read aloud with scanned images from the stories. Made for eye-gaze access. Books include; The Smartest Giant in Town Handa's Surprise Tiddler What the Ladybird Heard Oi Frog! Pet the Cat: Checks out the Library and Usbourne Phonics...

My Diary
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A secret diary Gridset for 2018/2019/2020, to allow you to write about your day. Choose the month - select 'Add entry' and write your diary entry. Select 'add to diary' and choose the day you wish to add the entry too. Click the entry in the...

My Diary 2021-2023

A secret diary Gridset for 2021/2022/2023, to allow you to write about your day. Choose the month - select 'Add entry' and write your diary entry. Select 'add to diary' and choose the day you wish to add the entry too. Click the entry in the...

My First Book of Birds Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First book of Birds' illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support; write...

My First Book of Minibeasts Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Minibeasts', illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support;...

My First Book of Sea Creatures Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Sea Creatures' illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support;...

My First Book of Woodland Animals Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Woodland Animals', illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of...

My Hip Hop
Lars Tiedemann

Hip Hop Music Gridset with 3 songs and some sound effects. Have fun!