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Notes Extractor
Rob Series - Smartbox

Simple two page grid to copy a user's notes into a Wordpad document. The document can then be saved or further edited as required. Easy to modify to use Notepad or Word if required.

Notes For Presentations
Rob Series - Smartbox

A quick and easy way to prepare and read documents when giving presentations. You can read the presentation a paragraph at a time (to allow pauses for applause) or jump between documents and deal with heckelers.

Anna Morena Tafuro


Now and next

Now and next symbol support First and then symbol support Education Special Education Schools Communication EYFS Early years SEN S.E.N Support Communication Community Support Out and about Independence Adult AAC User Child AAC user Now and next...

Now and Next Activation order
Keira Smartbox

Simple Timeline / Now and Next using Activation Order

Now, Next and Then
Smartbox Academy

Categorize tasks into now, next, and then by selecting an activity and then selecting the respective column. After arranging the tasks, they can reset using the button located on the top right corner.

Now-Next School Day
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple grid to show what lessons are now and what are next. Lessons can be edited in edit mode.

Number Blocks
Smartbox Academy

Images of blocks (1 to 10) appear at the side, then select the number that matches the blocks from 9 choices. If they select the right one, they move on to the next question.

Number Book, Counting Animals 1-5
Independent Living Centre WA

A two-cell counting book from 1 to 5. Text is read aloud as the page is activate. Can be edited to include more pages or different content.

Number Book, Counting Animals 1-5

A two-cell counting book from 1 to 5. Text is read aloud as the page is activate. Can be edited to include more pages or different content.

Number line
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A number line from -25 to 25 to assist users in counting backwards and fowards. Select the arrow to show the starting point, and click the numbers as you count forwards or backwards. The numbers will grey out as they are selected, to help the user...

Number Matching

Number matching game - taken from the brilliant animal pairing game The aim of the game is to match the number digit to the correct visual representation or number word.

Numbers and letters YouTube
Marion Stanton

This Grid set supports Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) literacy and maths goals through You Tube tunes.

Numeracy template

Zing Zilla counting 1-5 ready for eyegaze


¿Cuántos hay?


Identifica el número y la cantidad del 1 al 6



Numeros del 1 al 5

¿Cuántos hay?

Números Primos

Um teclado sobre os Números Primos.

Numicon Dienes & Number Lines
Saffron Murphy AAC

Help with accessible number lines, Numicon and deines. Other educational resources available.

Nursery Rhymes
Keira Smartbox

4 cell grid which plays the nursery rhyme selected. Simple cause and effect grid

Nursery Rhymes
Keira Smartbox

4 cell grid which plays the nursery rhyme selected. Simple cause and effect grid

Nursery Rhymes (2)
Keira Fewtrell- Smartbox 23

Jumps to a video of the nursery rhyme

Nyamedzie Power Pages
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Streamlined activity gridset to allow access practice with low cognitive load. Option to change to more robust gridset for language learning and practice.

O and U words
Amy Robertson

Practice spelling O and U words.

O Cão Bolinhas

Vê como o Bolinhas reage ao dar-lhe uma bola ou osso. Ajuda a desenvolver competências de causa-efeito. Estas atividades foram desenhadas para motivar e serem divertidas. As crianças podem comentar sobre as atividades e começar a introduzir a...

O Cão Bolinhas
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Adaptação do jogo original "O cão Bolinhas", para trabalho dos diferentes quadrantes do ecrã. CRPCCG 2021 Terapeuta Ocupacional Inês Moreira